Services for Turnaround Practitioners

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FREE Debtor Collateral Review

Following an initial conversation, we always suggest that the first step is to get us out to site to carry out a comprehensive Debtor Collateral Review. We do this initial review at NO CHARGE to you, regardless of the outcome. It includes:

On-site visit, usually within 24 hours but guaranteed within 48 hours, to thoroughly review the following:

  • Order to Cash Process

  • Aging Profile of the ledger and movements over recent months

  • Details of any issues and queries

  • Invoices and Backing paperwork

  • Staff – current and historical, and procedures followed

  • Reconciliations being produced

  • Verification of Outstanding Balances if required

While on-site we will meticulously analyse all aspects of the debt against which Funds are secured. We call on our extensive expertise in all industries to find issues and investigate them, before reporting to you with our findings and offer solutions on day one to help you generate the maximum amount of Working Capital possible.

We have no set agenda other than to investigate and confirm the actual Status and Real Value of the Ledger, and to propose sensible solutions that we can then follow up in a variety of ways as shown below.

As mentioned before, there is no charge for this initial review, regardless of the outcome.

To get your free Debtor Collateral Review, just call our MD Glen Morgan on 0845-6385256, or 07780-865416. Alternatively, fill in the form below:

Pre-Appointment Credit Control

This is required where an Insolvency is imminent but not happening immediately and you need the Ledger maximised from day one.

It is carried out as a prelude to an expected Collect Out and aims to recover as much as possible before the appointment of an Insolvency Practitioner.

Credebt will take over the Collections, either confidentially or disclosed, and transform the Aging Profile very quickly, using our extensive expertise to reduce Overdue Debt, resolve Queries and get the Ledger as up to date as possible in a short space of time.

In every case to date where we have been involved to this level before a Collect Out we have greatly increased the overall collectability of the Ledger and improved the position for Creditors.

Take over Credit Control

Our experienced and highly skilled team can take over the credit control for any business that is in distress.

We will tidy up the Ledger, and where a Funder is involved, find out if there is any Fresh Air Invoicing, Contras or other issues going on, and we will maximise the potential of the Ledger by getting most, if not all of it paid on time.

Us running the Credit Management of the Company will maximise Working Capital, eliminate bottle necks in the order to cash process, and ensure an optimised Cashflow position to affect the Turnaround.

Our proven process has already collected more than £400 million over the years, so we are confident that this will be beneficial to you and your clients.

Monitoring Collections

Credebt have dealt with many scenarios where initially the best thing to do is to keep an eye on Collections, Invoicing Uploads and the Funds Out Position while the client works on improvements to their systems, resolving queries and getting things back on track.

We report as frequently as is required and ensure that all parties are always aware of the situation. This can be particularly useful when a Collect Out may be required, and the Turnaround Practitioner trusts the business to deal with their own Collections to achieve a successful outcome.

By Monitoring the situation, we can be ready to step in at very short notice if the required progress is not made.

    Credit and Collections Policy and Procedures, including Staff Review

    This is for your Clients who have good intentions, but whose Collections are not really meeting expectations or who don’t seem to know how to improve things. You have probably been patient with them for some time, but now the Disapproved and Aging Amounts are growing, and the company is not running how it should.

    Credebt have considerable experience in updating Policies and Procedures or even writing them from scratch. We always have in mind what the business needs to do, to maximise the Working Capital.

    As part of our service, we will ensure that the staff members dealing with Collections and Invoicing are adequate for both your needs and those of your Client. If required, we can assist them with training and even recruitment.

    As the Client will see the benefit of this, we engage with them directly, at No Cost to you!

    Collections Assistance

    Our Debtor Collateral Review may show that the day-to-day Collections are meeting expectations, but that for a variety of reasons, ranging from Staff changes to poor Historical Query Management Controls, a part of the Ledger, usually the End Column, is too high and needs addressing.

    Credebt will assist with one or several tricky Debts and maximise the Recoveries. We will reduce the Overdue Debt to the Clients’ and your satisfaction.

    While assisting in this way we will also suggest Process Improvements to prevent the same issues reoccurring.

    Take Over Collections – Intensive Care

    This is where you have lost confidence in the Client’s ability to collect their own Debt and, following our visit and Debtor Collateral Review, it is obvious that they need immediate, comprehensive help.

    This can be carried out as a prelude to an expected Collect Out, or where the future of the Facility and business is uncertain, but the Ledger needs to be notably improved regardless.

    Credebt will take over the Collections, either confidentially or disclosed. We will transform the Aging profile very quickly, using our expertise to reduce Overdue Debt, resolve Queries, improve the Order to Cash Process and even spot any anomalies such as Fresh Air Invoicing.

    If Maximising the Collections and improving the Aging Profile is adequate to rescue the business and the relationship, then our involvement ends. However, it will often move on to other services such as Credit and Collections Policy Review & Improvements and Staff Recruitment to ensure the business can cope with the Collections themselves from then on.

    If there are other fundamental issues with the business that result in a Collect Out being required, then we have already reduced the Funds Out Position and ensured that the Working Capital is maximised.

    In every case to date where we have been involved to this level before a Collect Out, except when a significant Fraud is discovered, we have been able to recover the Funder’s Position in full.

    Maximising Cashflow and Working Capital

    Our core service for Turnaround Practitioners is maximising the Cashflow and Working Capital and we do this in various ways.

    Assistance can range from monitoring collections through to taking over the Credit Management and Collections of the company for an interim period. During this time we report regularly to all stakeholders and ensure that all know the current position and future predicted cash position of the business.

    Once the DSO and aging has been significantly reduced we will put in place systems to prevent reoccurrence.

    At this stage we can also help with writing policies, recruiting staff or providing ongoing Credit Control support ourselves until all stakeholders are happy for us to disengage.

    If, despite our efforts and that of the Turnaround Practitioner instructed, the business cannot be saved, we can then move into Collect Out mode and maximise recoveries for the Funder, Bank or any other stakeholders in a formal insolvency.

    Other Services

    We aim to help Turnaround Practitioners in any possible scenario, so if there is a situation which cannot be solved with one of our main services, then please feel free to contact us to discuss.

    We are here to help, whatever the situation and requirements!

    How can we help?


    Credebt provide a full range of expert Receivables Management Solutions to the Insolvency Profession, the Invoice Finance Industry, Turnaround Practitioners, advisers and their clients, from full sales ledger recovery to outsourced credit control.

    For more information about how we can help, call 08456-6385256 or email our MD, Glen Morgan (FCICM) Grad at

    Credebt provide an excellent service and consistently update their clients on progress. They are prepared to be flexible on fee negotiations and have quickly instilled me with confidence in their ability to get the job done. Glen is tenacious, approachable and robust and has all the right attributes for a successful collection agent.

    Graham Randall - Quantuma LLP

    Get In Touch

    We work for Invoice Finance companies, Insolvency Practitioners and Turnaround Specialists throughout the country. If you would like us to contact you to discuss our services please send us your details.

    our offices

    Bristol Office

    Credebt Ltd

    Trym Lodge
    1 Henbury Road
    BS9 3HQ

    Manchester Office

    Credebt Ltd

    2nd floor
    3 Hardman Square
    M3 3EB

    London Office

    Credebt Ltd

    Hamilton House
    Mabledon Place
    WC1H 9BD


    Credebt Certifications

    Credebt Limited: Registered in England Number: 6933734 Registered Office: Trym Lodge, 1 Henbury Road, Westbury on Trym, Bristol BS9 3HQ
    Data Protection License Number: Z1837677 | Credit Services Association Membership number: 804

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