Managing risk in 2021

Managing risk in 2021

We recently hosted a webinar for Invoice Finance Providers to help them manage risk in 2021, and we’d like to share it with you.

Feel free to watch the full replay of the webinar

Alternatively, here is a quick recap of the contents of the webinar: 

Risks to Funders

  1. Fresh Air or Advanced Invoicing
  2. Debtor Insolvency
  3. Collusion
  4. Poor Credit Control
  5. Lack of Back Up

5 steps to mitigating these risks

  1. Don’t rely on traditional Invoice Finance Audit only
  2. Learn how to properly analyse a detailed Aged Debt Report
  3. Sport the early warning signs
  4. Review everything
  5. Call in the experts

Crucial mistakes to avoid

  1. Relying on Invoice Finance Audit only
  2. Not properly reviewing backup, debtors, staff and systems.
  3. Doing nothing until it’s too late


  1. Risks will increase
  2. Early action can mitigate these risks
  3. Review everything regularly
  4. Be prepared to take early action
  5. If in doubt, instruct experts

How can we help?

Remember that we are the experts in this field and we are more than happy to help you with any issues you may have.

Feel free to contact us for a no obligation chat in total confidence, or arrange your Free Debtor Collateral Review to find out your Position. 

Call us on 0845-6385256 or email

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